2008年10月30日 星期四

Fifth Week...

I started counting how many weeks left this quarter since the first day of the course.

Last week, the 4th one, I just finished one take-home exam and two presentations.
Now is the 5th week, I am working on two take-home exams and studying for one in-class midterm next Tuesday. Yesterday was worst, I could not figure out my Perl homework and didn't sleep well. Then I missed my first class this morning, Recombinant DNA. The good thing is, I finally got, at least I think, on the right path for my Yeast Genetics exam.....

2008年10月9日 星期四


話說我這學期修了三門課:Recombinant DNA(3 units), Genetic Analysis (5 units) & Genomics (5 units),加上雜七雜八的seminar跟Journal Club....學分加起來簡直跟以前大學沒兩樣。然後John說我下學期要TA,英文還這麼爛實在不行,所以我一個禮拜又多花4個小時去Internation House上英文。

最恐怖的是星期二和星期四,早上7:30開始上Recombinant DNA到8:50,接著殺去上Genetic Analysis(9:00-10:20AM),然後10:30再上Genomics。星期二12:10-13:00有seminar....星期四中午休息一小時,然後1點到3點到International House快樂地跟老先生學英文;晚上6點到8點是Genomics的computer Lab....所以我正在把握我僅有的一丁點時間,上來記錄我可歌可泣的一個學期。